2020Jeng-Min Chiou ; Han-Tsung Liou; and Wan-Hui Chen, Modeling Time-Varying Variability and Reliability of Freeway Travel Time Using Functional Principal Component Analysis, , IEEE Transctions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 221(1), p.257-266, , pp
2019Wan-Hui Chen; Chi-Hung Wu; Shiaw-Shyan Luo; Jeng-Min Chiou , Ching Ni, Risk Factors for Traffic Crash Fatalities in Older Motorcyclists: A Study Linking Police Traffic Crash Dataset with Cause of Death Dataset, , International Journal of Gerontology Special Issue, p.68-72, , pp
2019鍾智林; 潘嘉宜, 以Moodle日誌探索英語授課修課生之數位學習歷程, , 課程與教學 22(4),頁123-150, , pp
2018Hsin-Ping Hsu, Marlon G. Boarnet, Douglas Houston, Gender and rail transit use: Influence of environmental beliefs and safety concerns, , Transportation Research Record 2673(4), p.327-338, , pp
2018溫裕弘; 簡佑勳, 整合型航空海運貨運承攬業之併裝集運與出貨規劃, , 運輸學刊 30(4),頁273-310, , pp
2018Ming-Tsang Lu, Chao-Che Hsu, James J. H. Liou, and Huai-Wei Lo, A hybrid MCDM and sustainability-balanced scorecard model to establish sustainable performance evaluation for international airports, , Journal of Air Transport Management 71, p.9-19, , pp
2018Chao-Che Hsu; James J. H. Liou; Huai-Wei Lo; Yu-Chih Wang, Using a hybrid method for evaluating and improving the service quality of public bike-sharing systems, , Journal of Cleaner Production 202, p.1131-1144, , pp
2017James J.H. Liou, Chao-Che Hsu, Chun-Sheng Joseph Li, Pedro Jose Gudiel Pineda, Gin-Weng Chang, Developing a successful aerotropolis by using a hybrid model under information uncertainty, , Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 24(3), p.1080-1103, , pp
2017Pedro Jose Gudiel Pineda; Chao-Che Hsu; James J.H. Liou; Huai-Wei Lo, A hybrid model for aircraft type determination following flight cancellation, , International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 17(4), p.1147-1172, , pp
2017陳菀蕙; 鍾易詩; 吳繼虹; 張勝雄; 羅文垣; 周文靜, 應用手機駕駛遊戲於機車安全學習成效之評估, , 運輸學刊 29(3), p.311-335, , pp