YearJournal Title
2007羅孝賢; 邱顯明; Chiu, Hsien-ming; 高啟涵, 臺北市路邊停車費委託代收模式之比較, , 都市交通22(2),頁28-37, , pp
2006Chang, Sheng-hsiung; Lee, Dong-yang, Driving environment complexity of mixed traffic flow: its measurement and characteristics, , Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 7, pp.2261-2273, , pp
2006陶治中; Tao, Chi-chung; 邱顯明; Chiu, Hsien-ming; 吳忠榮; Wu,Chung-jung, 提升計程車競爭力之服務創新模式-動態共乘系統, , 研究與發展管理19,頁352-359, , pp
2004邱顯明; Chiu, Hsien-ming, A location model for the allocation of the off - street parking facilities, , Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 6, pp.1344-1353, , pp
2002湯儒彥; 羅孝賢; Luo, Shiaw-shyan; 李開, 論事故鑑定與歸責裁判之內涵, , 交通學報2(2),頁99-119, , pp
2002羅孝賢; 王中允, 重型車輛行車安全管理--加裝安全輔助裝置之研究, , 都市交通18(1),頁24-39, , pp
2001羅孝賢; 陳昌益, 臺北市停車收費問題民意調查分析, , 都市交通16(3),頁45-55, , pp
1999邱顯明; Chiu, Hsien-ming; Chang, Sheng-hsiung; Luo, Shiaw-shyan, A Study on the Development of the Data Collection System of the Vehicle Mileage Traveled in Taiwan, , Journal of the Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies 3(5), pp.361-374, , pp
1999邱顯明, 模擬退火演算法求解旅行推銷員問題, , 運輸科學1(1),頁49-64, , pp
1997張堂賢; Chang, Tang-hsien; Chiu, Hsien-ming, Establishing a basic guideline for the selection of HOV alternatives : the Taiwan approach, , Journal of Advanced Transportation 32(3), pp.315-338, , pp